Trademark Renewal And Deadline Reminder Form
To prevent the cancelation of a registered trademark, Trademark Owners are required to file a Section 8 Affidavit of Use on or before the 6th anniversary of the trademark’s original Date of Registration. Additionally, a Trademark Renewal is required to be filed every ten (10) years – i.e., on or before each 10th anniversary of the trademark’s original Date of Registration. The U.S. Trademark Office does not remind you to file these Renewals. Failure to file these required Renewals will result in the cancellation of the trademark and thus the loss of some or all of your trademarks rights.
To prevent the cancellation of your trademark or trademarks simply submit the following form and we will make every effort to forward renewal reminders to you at no charge in advance of any deadline via E-mail, Fax and/or U.S. Mail. If you have more than 5 trademarks please simply re-submit the form with 5 trademarks at a time.
We Specialize In All Your Trademark Needs

Trademark Search
It is important to conduct a trademark search before using a trademark or filing a trademark application.

Trademark Application
We can assist you to file and prosecute a trademark application to protect your names, logos and slogans.

Trademark Renewal
Registered trademarks must be renewed periodically or they will be canceled by the USPTO. We can assist.